Sunday, January 7, 2024

Koakuma Ageha Dupes? Magazine Discussion Episode 2

 ใกใ‚ƒใŠใฃใ™ It's Spacy

Today (and yesterday), I was doing a bit of magazine surfing per usual and I found a very interesting genre of 2008-2009 Koakuma Ageha magazine dupes, KiLaLa and GALMORI!

Magazines like KiLaLa are deep in the dirty archives of gyaru history, even finding scans of the magazines are hard, but finding people talking about them? Near to impossible I think, which is why I cant give any information about these magazines, but I have uncovered some scans on a russian social media website from a community page called 'Typical Gyaru':

The reason why i labelled these as Koakuma Ageha dupes is because these magazines and their layouts/ demographic choices and styles are very similar to that signature mid/late 2000's style of Ageha. This is actually very common in magazines with similar goals and demographics but Ageha being one of the biggest kyabajo magazines (if not the biggest) and hime mags meant they had a lot of dupes or magazines that took inspiration from their style.

Galmori and Kilala are also not magazines that are recognisable by a distinctive style. These volumes won't just pop up on pinterest, not even on Gal Revo ๐Ÿ˜ญ You can also find good scans on websites like Internet Archive but i heard Internet Archive is in a bit of legal trouble lately!
Enough of me talking here are the scans for KiLaLa:


Thank you for reading - Spacy

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